About Task-Plot

***This is a personal project made for demonstration purposes***

Task-Plot is a web-based geospatial task management application. Users can plot points over a base layer and assign task information to them. Tasks can be viewed individually in popups displayed by clicking on individual points or in a table available in the main menu. Other potential capabilities include adding layers by uploading shapefiles (i.e., shapefiles) and setting layer symbology. Being a web app, multiple users can view and edit task data in real-time whether on mobile or desktop devices. Users are joined into groups with data separate from other groups. This app utilizes the Leaflet open-source library for geospatial tools and PostgreSQL for data storage.

A single user account is available for exploring the app. Thank you for your interest in Task-Plot!

task-plot_1 task-plot_2

Overview (Video)

The imagery above shows what the application looks like on a mobile device after the user logs in. Top-level app features include:

  1. Layer legend – displays a list of the layers applied in the map.
  2. Feature Options (Video) – a submenu allows users to add, move, edit, and delete geospatial features (e.g., points).
  3. Table – produces a table with geospatial features and associated data.
  4. Layer Tools – includes tools for applying layer labels, layer symbology, and a filter to the user data table.
  5. Other app features

Some important app functions are:

Created by Shane Omersa